As you know I have this furry little friend who loves to lay around and watch tv with me and cuddle on the sofa. However Ellie’s white hair plus a dark brown sofa:
is not the best combination.
When I first saw one of these products I was so excited. I thought “Wow! This is EXACTLY what I need! This will be great – how easy!”. I brought home the 3M Fur Fighter and got to work. It did the job but the teeth on the little sheets were just so thin. It didn’t really seem like the teeth were long enough to grab much or like the sheets would hold very much hair. I tried it a few times, luckily it had been purchased with a coupon, and then resorted back to just vacuuming the furniture every now and then. Not fun or easy.
This product is the best thing ever! And so much better than the other version, sorry 3M. This one does a great job of picking up all the hair, lint, etc and then keeps it all in the little bubble thing on the top instead of it just being kind of ‘out there’ on the other one. Its got 2 rollers underneath with much better 'teeth' for grabbing the hair. Also, I’ve used mine several times and its nowhere near full. It’s a great thing to just swipe over the furniture before company comes over. I think it could even be useful if you didn't have a pet, just to clean things up a bit. I highly recommend it and you can click here for more information! (I was going to have you click there for a coupon but unfortunately its expired - sorry! I think its normally about $5 and so worth it!)